Was listening to 93.7fm yesterday
when syndicated radio jockeys Walton & Johnson said
"We are no longer proud to be Americans"
So I rang my local Clear
Channel general manager
and expressed my disappointment
GM asked if I was disappointed when then candidate's wife
Michelle said she had never before been proud to be an American
Yes, I was very disappointed
In fact, I believe our nation will never be truly 'united'
until folks drop all 'prefixes' in front of "American"
GM asked if I thought he
should tell W&J
what they can and cannot say
The Arrow already does,
I replied
Clear Channel censors numerous lyrics from classic rock & roll
such as 'faggot' from a Dire Straits' song
"You are just a Liberal
who has too much time.
You need a new hobby!"
hmmm ...
Perhaps Eddie Martiny never met anyone
who would not take
"Money for