Wednesday is flight day here on
Palmyra Atoll,
but ONLY when flights are scheduled ... next is 30
The Nature Conservancy charters a Gulf Stream 1 turbo-prop from
as it is the only airplane suitable to fly and
land here
due to distance, fuel and the resident bird
Originally constructed of crushed coral by the US
Navy during WWII,
Cooper Island Airstrip is one mile long
and must be diligently maintained by TNC/Palmyra
Once past the 'No Return' to Hawaii point of her
N8E (call sign 'November Eight Echo')
has only one emergency landing site ...
Christmas Island 350 miles away.
The only other plane to 'successfully' land on
Cooper Island is a C-130.
Just behind N8E in the encroaching jungle, you can
see the
remnants of an ill-fated
Lockheed Lodestar