21 October 2008

© Franklin J. Viola, Viola Photography and Viola Photo Solutions. 2008  All Rights Reserved.

1959 Schwaben Dirndl / Oktoberfest

Long before she left for Amercia with cautious dreams,
very little English and a Schwaben Dirndl,
Marianna Schindler had survived a lifetime of Ike's.

At age 3, her Jewish father was taken to a political camp. Her German mother, a Baroness, married his best friend who was then drafted for the SS Army.

Ten years later (1946), her dad came home.
"I was raised by two wonderful fathers" she says proudly.

A fashion model and airplane pilot, Marianna was the first woman to lead any Lockheed space engineering team. From a custom 'vitals-vest' for John Glenn to mission specific tool boxes, her exotic fabric creations continue to orbit our planet aboard the International Space Station.

Background debris pile Marianna helped me build conceals two full-size Ford trucks

Would not let her plug an iron into the generator so the wrinkles are on me ...

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