7 April 2008

© Franklin J. Viola, Viola Photography and Viola Photo Solutions. 2008  All Rights Reserved.

Drag Queen / Pioneer Square, OR

Dragging the shutter is a photographic technique put to highly creative use by slowing down its speed, effectively lengthening the exposure in order to create a motion effect. Additionally, a burst of flash can then freeze the primary subject in the foreground. Capturing "the" dynamic moment usually takes lots of practice and experience, such as that of a professional.
I sure hope Daltry Jo (age 7) shares her "acumen" with Dad after using his Nikon to photograph her mirror twin sister Rachel Jean (age 7)!

Photo by Daltry Jo Viola ©2008

www.violaphoto.com ~ 832.373.8393 ~ photo@violaphoto.com

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